Thursday, July 1, 2010

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Red Bus Tour Glacier Park

Kevin our driver on the tour with Kay

Red Bus going over the summit

Donna and Kay on the the Red Bus
Anyone going to Glacier needs to take this tour worth every dollar. This is the only way to do the going to the sun road. Needless to say we had a great time.

Koa St Mary MT

Friday, June 25, 2010

Bound for Big Timber MT

Lunch stop with Donna and Dan.

Our stop in MT on our way to the Koa in Big Timber

Buffalo Bill Dam

Located between Cody and Wapiti WY. Constructed between 1905 - 1910 when completed it was the highest dam of its type in the world. Originally called the Shoshone was renamed by President Truman in honor of Buffalo Bill.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Yellowstone National Park

What a great park, America's first National Park. Did see Bison but no bears.

Yellowstone Valley Inn

Arrived here on Saturday the 19th. This is probably one of the best campgrounds/ RV parks we have stayed in yet. From this location we are only about 30 miles from the Eastern entrance to Yellowstone Park. Weather has been great, warm during the days but cool at night when the sun goes down. Tomorrow we pull out for Big Timber MT. As a side note we are currently staying in Wapiti WY which is Indian for Elk (did not see any or for that matter bear). For all you hunters did see some nice mule deer with nice racks. I am sure that more critters will be seen in the future as we move on to Alaska.

Big Horn Mountains WY

This is a picture of the pull out that we stopped at on the way down the Big Horn to Greybull. We needed a brake and so did the brakes on the truck. A chance for us to grab a snack and just enjoy the view, of course pictures do not show the real depth of the valley.

Big Horn Mountains WY

Out of Sheridan WY to Yellowstone over the Big Horn Mountains. This is really a nice drive lots of switch backs going up and you cross over at approx. 9,000 ft. This is one of the local critters we were able to see at the pass. Just glad that he was not in the road. The trip down the western side was grand, but did have to stop and let the brakes on the truck and trailer cool down we had quite the grade to go down.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Devils Tower

Yes for all of you who remember "Close Encounters of the 3rd Kind" this is the place. Really something to see first National Monument. From here we are on our way to Sheridan WY.

Custer State Park SD

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Mount Rushmore

Made it to Mount Rushmore (aka Men on the Mountain). Must say it is very impressive. The day we were there it was very windy so much so that about the only way you could take pictures was with a tripod.

Bad Lands

Yes just another reason that it's called the Bad Lands

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

The Bad Lands SD

Corn Palace SD

Kay and Donna at the Corn Palace with their new found friend
One of the highlights of the day.....the Corn Palace
This drive was one of the longest we have had so far on this trip right at 400 miles before we pulled in to the campground at Murdo SD. With the stop at the Corn Palace a 11 hour day.
Today is a lot shorter only 137 miles to campground outside Rapid City SD, will visit the Men on the Mountain (aka Mount Rushmore) and the out laying area. Spending a couple of days in this area before moving on to WY.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Leaving Wisconsin

This was taken just outside our KOA in Madison. Had a rainy day on the road but arrived at the KOA in Austin MN around 4:50PM 236 miles today. Was informed that they have had rain for the last 7 days so it is just a little wet here at the camp site. Tomorrow we are off to Murdo SD. The old truck is getting a steady 10.5 miles to the gallon with the load we have, thats good. Bad Lands here we come.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Dinner Out With Matt and Stacy

Time has gone by to fast with our stay in Madison. Had a great dinner with Matt, Stacy, Dan, Donna and Kay went to Red Lobster really enjoyed, thanks Matt. Well tomorrow we pull out next stop is Austin, MN only 225 miles so will be a easy day tomorrow. It has been great visiting with family that I have not see in to many years hope to do better in the future.

At John and Sheryl's cottage

Here we are Kay and I with John and Sheryl at their cottage on Witter Lake. Located about an hours drive from Madison. Really great to be with them again. This picture was taken Saturday afternoon from their cottage facing the lake...very nice.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

KOA Madison, Wisconsin

Donna and Kay at the KOA Madison. Arrived on Friday at 2:45PM really nice place. Friday was really warm but the pool was really refreshing.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Day two arrival La Salle, IL

Well here we are day two done and we are in LaSalle IL arrive at 6:00PM local time. Last night we stayed in Milan OH real nice camp site got there after 350 miles at 6:15PM so staying on track so far. Will pull out of here in the morning and arrive in Madison WI will really be good to see the Bell Boys and Steve and Sue Lawrence along with others. Should arrive in Madison early afternoon. Hope to have lots of pictures to follow. Drive has gone pretty good so far with no problems with truck or 5th wheel more to follow tomorrow.

Monday, May 31, 2010

The long long trailer is getting ready only a few more days till we pull out on the big Alaska trip. Driving approx 350 miles a day and will not arrive in Alaska till the 3rd of July. Of course we have some great stops along the way Mount Rushmore, Yellowstone and the Grand Tetons and Glacier National Park on the way. Dan and Donna Brigham will be going along with it should be a blast. Will do my best the keep this blog updated daily once we are on the road plus pictures. Hopefully we will have a good wifi connections when Canada if not might be a few days before updates while travelling through Canada. Anyway still have packing to do before pulling out on June 9th

Tuesday, May 18, 2010